Design & Construction of New Salt Storage Shed
Project: Design & Construction of new 5,000m2 salt storage shed.
Location: Glasgow
Description of works:
Works were carried out at a highly controlled, live working port site with challenging ground conditions and incorporating numerous design changes working to a very tight programme.
In collaboration with the Client, Designers and Supply Chain Partners we successfully remediated the site area with the works including:
- Engineered pile mat and piled foundations
- Galvanised steel frame & cladding
- Installation of pre-cast concrete push walls
- Cast in-situ polished concrete floor slab with joints
- Blockwork retaining walls
- Deep drainage works, in tidal conditions, with diversion of existing culvert and storm water drainage.
- Formation of external concrete access ramps and bollards
- Installation of personnel and roller doors
- Landscaping works
To mitigate the impact of unforeseen ground conditions/buried obstructions it was necessary to incorporate numerous design changes within tight timescales and in close co-ordination with the Client, to ensure the finished building would meet operational requirements, to meet the programme.
As the site was at a busy port site careful planning was required to ensure the works progressed in line with the programme requirements whilst also limiting the impact on the day-to-day running of the port site. The site was isolated from the port site with temporary security fencing and robust traffic management measures were implemented in order to control vehicle movements. Progress Meetings were held with the Client on a weekly basis to report on progress, and to plan the works around the Client’s activities, with monthly updates on the Contract programme and short duration target programmes on a 2 weekly basis for key activities.
The project was successfully delivered on programme, within budget and to a very high standard of quality providing a facility which the Client and Tenant are very satisfied with.